beside oneself


beside oneself 的定义

  1. In a state of extreme agitation or excitement, as in She was beside herself when she found she'd lost her ring, or Peter was beside himself with joy—he'd won the poetry award. This phrase appears in the New Testament: “Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning makes thee mad.” [Late 1400s]

beside oneself 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

in a panic

更多beside oneself例句

  1. The speaker conjures up centuries of collective sagacity, aligning oneself with an eternal, inarguable good.
  2. Selma becomes a biopic in which the hero shines while those who worked beside him are overlooked or relegated to the sidelines.
  3. Dehydrated and feeling weary, Marino lay down beside another migrant under a tree and fell asleep.
  4. But the flaws and peccadilloes of Renaissance artists like Michelangelo pale beside the misdeeds of patrons and pontiffs.
  5. The artist came down and stood beside his patron to assess things.
  6. Beside her was a box of bonbons, which she held out at intervals to Madame Ratignolle.
  7. There were other children beside, and two nurse-maids followed, looking disagreeable and resigned.
  8. That they may know thee, as we also have known thee, that there is no God beside thee, O Lord.
  9. None of the other scholars were asked, and when I entered the room there were only three persons in it beside Liszt.
  10. Just as it disappeared from view he caught a glimpse of a charming little girl, peeping out of a latticed window beside the door.